I recently tried out some Minx nail wraps. Each set comes with two strips of 8 wraps in different sizes so I had a few left over and thought it was the perfect opportunity to do a wear test and compare them to some Jamberry samples I've been hoarding for way too long. I've been really curious about the claims that these wraps can last up to two weeks. I put it to the test so you all can see how they compare. I only made it a week (that's a really long time for me to wear the same nails!) but I think that was long enough for testing purposes. I've also polished some nails with regular polish for the comparison.

Since my Minx wraps were definitely Christmas-y I tried to pick out the most festive of my Jamberrys to go along with it. I've duplicated the designs to the very best of my ability for the polished nails- meaning yeah, it's kind of half-assed. I painted my right hand with my left hand so the lines are a bit shaky and I didn't get the detail I might have the other way around. Also worth noting, in the excitement of new nail wraps I forgot to apply my usual base coat on the polished nails which probably increased the wear factor a bit for those.
Minx wins for: being thinner and more flexible. It was much easier to flatten out the wrinkes. My Jamberry had a huge gap at the top that no amount of heating or smoothing would get rid of.
Polish wins for: having no wrinkles at all and being generally easier to apply. I'm much more used to applying polish so even with the drying time, which is minimal with fast dry topcoat, I find it to be more relaxing and less of a hassle to apply than either of the wraps.
Minx wins for: complexity of design and finish. The shiny finish held up all week where polish got scratched, chipped and dulled over time.
Jamberry wins for: being most resistant to tip wear. As you can see that giant gap is still at the top of the nail, but to its credit it didn't start to peel off. The stiffness that bothered me during application was actually a credit to the wear factor. The stiffer material didn't wear as badly at the tips and was less sticky than the Minx which tended to catch on fabrics.
Polish wins for: ease of removal. When the week was all over with the polish wiped off easily with some acetone while I had to do an oil soak and gingerly peel up the nail wraps. Removing the wraps ultimately led to some damage of my nail surface despite my extra care and gentleness.
My final thoughts- while there are some definite benefits to the wraps, I just don't find the process to be as relaxing or enjoyable as painting my nails with regular polish. Plus the tip wear was pretty comparable in Minx vs polish. It's not quite compelling enough for me to spend a ton of money on wraps when I have so many bottles of polish already. They're a fun change from the norm, but it's too late for me. I'm already too far down the polish hole to make wraps a regular thing in my nail routine.
What are you thoughts on nail wraps? Have you had a different/better experience? If so I'd love to hear your tips!