Hello. Long time no post... Again. I've still been doing tons of nails and then storing them away for "later." This post has been sitting half finished for about 2 months now. Oops. I'm feeling a little bad about that. Since the blogging has been a little rough I think I'm going to try to keep up with my Instagram so I can at least get some new stuff out there. Writing a whole blog post takes so many thoughts and words. I think Insta might be more my speed these days.
I recently placed a big order with Born Pretty because I've been dying to try out the chrome and holo pigment powders. This one is a multichrome flakey powder thing. The shift is really noticeable and pretty. I did one layer of the flakies over regular black polish and topped it off with a water based top coat from Sparkle & Co. Next time I want to layer on more flakies to see if a denser coat makes a difference. It was hard to get the flakes to stick in some places so I'm going to try adding top coat and then another round of flakes to see if I can get more full coverage.
Essie is my favorite nail polish! I am always drawn to pinks and blues in the summer.
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